როგორ ვირბინოთ შემდგომი დაზიანების გარეშე

Despite organised races being put on hold for the foreseeable, the popularity of running has certainly not slowed down a bit. With social distancing measures still in place, many seasoned

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როგორ მივაღწიოთ ძლიერ და მობილურ თეძოებს

What are hip openers? Hip-openers are some of the most requested asanas in my classes as they bring release in many areas that are tight and carry a sense of

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5 იოგას პოზები წელის ტკივილის შესამსუბუქებლად

The lower back, or the lumbar region, can be an area that often gets sensitive for most of us at some point in our lives. Whether we have to sit a

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